Wednesday, October 26, 2005

spice rack

Hip hip Cheerio!!! Top of the morning to you!! ... excuse the pun in that while I AM actually eating a bowl of good ole' "ohs"... the quintessentials of the day, a filling if not simple breakfast. I vowed to myself that I must eat at least an apple in the morning. Formost, it prevents me from having to EMBARASS myself in class if my tummy intends itself to be heard and starts to "sing". The worst part of MY tummy is that it makes sounds in the lower bass register... thus competeing with another familiar bodily function.
So as the week progresses... I still have TWO more midterms. The one on Monday was horrible to say the least.. I actually had a headache after it... I just need to have a big break from it all. Unfortunately, that's not gonna be an option for me.. Next week, I have a presentation, quiz, assignment... the next, a test possibly (yet to be determined)... and the horror continues right until the Christmas exams!!!
Suffice to say, I'm physically exhausted and want to simply have a night which composes of at least 6 hours of sleep. Anyways, time for class soon.. so tag another time.

Here's a lovely picture of my spice rack.. hahaha see what happens when a person's stuck in their room for too long... hahaha even spice racks become appealing =). hey at least they have more "spice " in their life than me as of right now.. hahah

cheers (-io) .. oh my.. - v.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

October 22nd, 2005.

Another day of semi-studying... I even had time to take this picture!! ahah.. (more like the lack of concentration on anything academically related). This last week has definitely been something else: 3 midterms plus a quiz to top it all off!! And yet, I'm still partially conscious to what's going on.. although I have to admit that I often times doze off in the middle of something.. or ANYTHING for that matter (including.. praying.. whoops).
To say the least, this coming week is not any better. If anything, it has the same degree of sleeplessness required to complete the multiple midterms/quizzes/assignments. Hopefully, Mel's lovely chocolate cookies will keep me SANE!!! (Thanks friend!).
On another note, I found out that this year I get off for Christmas Break on the 15th!! WhooWhoo!!! Unlike previous years, I'm actually getting out before the last day of exams.. and you know what that meansssss... SOME EXTRA TIME off to get ready for *drumroll please...*... WCB2005!! (Winter Crystal Ball!!!).
This year, we've decided to raise money for both the Earthquake in Pakistan, and as well, a Chinese cultural organization (so our generation of young people can get to know and experience our heritage). There's gonna be a lotta good food, prizes and the likes of a great partyY!!! <-- that was my little shpeel in promoting for now.. oh don't you readers worry... there's gonna be more comin. That's my update for now.. gotta get back to Hellenistic Culture and Society.. Alexander is a crazy man!!