Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Sup Deck Deck (and Chee Nup Nup)

Been a while since my last post. I meant to write this one a couple of days ago, but just didn't get around to it until now. So, the context of my title "Sup Deck Deck" literally expresses the characteristic of water or rain....wet.

In reference to my weekend, let's just say that it was very "prevelant" haha. Was up at 6:45 on Saturday morning of the Long Weekend, heading out to Niagara with the family. The skies were gloomy, and the weather was pretty chilly already. By the time we got to Niagara, it was pretty much pouring. My immediate reaction to this type of weather was that "this is suck!" (as Carrie's mum would say hehe). I really don't like the feeling of clingy wet clothes...especially since our car was packed. On rainy days, I'd rather stay at home, snuggled up or watch the rain outside rather than standing in it ! And then.....there's the thunderstorms... ooooo i like those too. Anyways, as our day continued, I realized that my crummy mood was affected by WEATHER of all things...and it was showing in the way I reacted to people and to the overall events of the day. Then, my mum said something that made my attitude towards the whole situation change.

"We should be thankful to even have Rain...".

As I thought about that more deeply, I not only realized what a bum I was for complaining about the weather, but thoughts about the quality, characteristic and importance of something as simple as rain and water filled my head and changed my attitude to God's providence.

- one drop of rain is harmless, but a big rainstorm can create destruction of great magnitude
- water and rain can have the power to destroy in situations such as hurricanes, tsunamis, but ironically, ALL LIVING
THINGS NEED it to live and survive
- our world is more than 50% water
- rushing water as in the Niagara Falls contains enough power to create energy for daily uses
- bodies of water have provided a barrier and boundary of protection for countries in the history of war and establishment of empires
- qualities of water are unequated to any other element or chemical compound: it exists and can be changed into 3 different phases : liquid/solid / gas
- in liquid form, it only boils at 100 degrees C (making it safe for our bodies, when it's in there)
- in lakes/oceans, the lattice formation allows for warmth to be preserved underwater, sustaining the fish and living creatures underneath
- in gas form, it's part of the cyclic process that allows for plants to absorb nutrients and needed goods

and as I was contemplating these things, I was so Amazed...this is just something as basic as WATER and RAIN!! I often take these things for granted, but God uses the most simplistic things to humble me. How about you, reader ? Are there things in life so blatantly present that we often let pass without a second thought?

On another note, Scrabble is fun!!! and so is making up sentences out of acronyms and random letters... haha.. RCSE (Rude Children Should Evaporate haha/ Roman Centurions Serve Emperor/Rubix Cube Solved Excrutiatingly/Ravens Crave Squishy Eyeballs haha good times... Boardgames are a great investment, especially the classic ones =) Speaking of which, haven't played Monopoly in a while...anyone up for that ? (oh! has anyone heard of Apples to Apples ..another awesome one).

Photo is courtesy of Sam Javanrouh of Daily Dose of Imagery
http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/about.htm <-- check it out if you haven't....great photographer (works with what he has) =) -v


Blogger Sam said...

I check that photographer's site all the time... He's amazing. I was inspired by even the simplest picture he took because he made even the ugliest thing (ie stains, rust) look beautiful just by changing the view/angle/perspective. As for rain... walking around NY in sandals wasn't really fun especially with all those dirt puddles.

5:56 PM  
Blogger eleasa said...

everylittlething about our Loving Creator's world catches my breath.

i'm also a frequent visitor at daily dose of imagery. he's got talent, patience, creativity & inspiration! pass it on. (:

7:30 PM  
Blogger sammi said...

funce, i am waiting for you in kingston... come back early today!!! =)

4:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful :)

6:40 AM  
Blogger Rebecca Chan said...

ooh look who i found on blogspot =D

rain.. that reminds me of something i wanted to write about too.. more on that later on my blog!

8:34 PM  
Blogger J-FK said...

Ya monopoly! Favourite passtime in HK for me this summer!

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha i love how everyone quotes my mom :) haha miss you too :) im actually home this weekend. will youu? haha.

8:53 PM  

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