Tuesday, January 16, 2007


"I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is no mere man; between Him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius ? Upon force! Jesus Christ founded His empire upon Love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him."

- Napoleon Bonaparte

Attempting to be the Classics/ History buff I aspire to be (minus the bow-ties, the tweed suits, and the British accent haha), this quote really spoke out to me a couple of days back when I was reading Donald Miller's "Searching For God Knows What". It's so interesting to have Napoleon, a militaristic conqueror and leader, acknowledge the CORE meaning and ministry of Jesus. It's even more funny that he realizes loyalty and success could be derived from two completely separate types and styles of leadership; one derived from his own model of war and subjugation, the other being from Jesus' peace and unconditional love for others. In looking further, the models of Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and even Napoleon's empires only brought temporary stability and success. None of their empires or power stood the test of time because in bringing forceful obligations, rebellion always ensued. On the contrary, Jesus' model and his means to express love in actions and behaviours was what set his "empire" apart from the others. His love meant being vulnerable. His love meant being understanding and non-judgmental.

This past year has been full of new lessons, challenges and surprises. There were times, when I just had no capacity to do what Jesus would have done. Yet, God has been so faithful, patient, and merciful to me. He put me in situations, surroundings and relationships that required me to be vulnerable, honest, patient, understanding, and the hardest one for me, non-judgmental. This Christmas, I was reminded of just how He has blessed me immeasurably in many aspects of my life...

It's been a tough year of changes within my family. As my parents are getting through that middle-age period, my grandparents are getting older and more forgetful, and I'm getting older and wanting more independance, there have been many lessons on patience and understanding. What I've learnt to appreciate the most from my family this year was their willingness to pray WITH each other and FOR each other. I'm so thankful to know that I can pray with my family for something as simple as dinner, and to know that they are praying for me as well :)

Whether new or old, God has blessed me this year with great friendships that have extended far beyond surface conversations. One thing I learnt from Urbana that really encouraged me was to be involved in and with a community of people. Despite all our different backgrounds (religious, family, cultural), the relationships developed during this past year have taught me how to enjoy people placed in my life, and to learn the meaning of carrying each other's joys and burdens. Finally, the biggest surprise of all this year was God's providence in the "romantical" department hahah.... I say surprised because I was caught off guard when it all started. Surprised because I had come to accept and be okay with my singleness for the time being. Surprised because Mr. Isaac Ling is so "white" and I am the epitomy of "chineseness"...haha. Surprised because I go to Queen's, the best school on the planet, and he has to be from Western (hhaha, I can already feel the influx of pro-Western comments flooding my comments). Yet, God has taught me many things through Ike and in our times together thus far. Somehow, I have learnt that vulnerability and honesty with a person (especially a guy) is okay... I don't always have to pretend that I'm tough or put up a wall or mask... someone that cares will want to hear about my thoughts and my opinions (even if it may differ from theirs). Another thing I have learnt through Ike is in giving others the benefit of the doubt, not judging them for their experiences in the past... that's an aspect of Jesus' unconditional love for others that I have yet to fully understand and exercise. God is definitely full of surprises, eh ? He's not one that follows a rule book or guideline in writing our journeys and stories with Him.

All in all, a very interesting year! It never ceases to amaze me how relational God is. He continually reminds me that all good and perfect things come from Him. So... I wonder what things will happen this coming year as I enter my last semester of undergrad at uni, as he opens and closes doors to what I will do in my future, as he brings new or old people back into my life.........What's to come ? Whatever it is, I'll strive to be ready for it face-on... Bring it On, New Year!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Vinci, it is SO great to see how God has been working in your life. Definitely this year has reminded me what miracles and blessings God places in our lives every single day! We just have to be attuned to them ;) I definitely have some of my own experiences with family..haha...man, can't do with, can't do without! definitely miss them right now.

soooo...when am I going to see you??? :)

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love it!

5:02 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...


7:59 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

I love the Napolean quote: very profound. Happy that God has blessed you with so much the past year!

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG... you and Ike?!? Haaaa.... guess he's not single anymore :P

1:51 PM  

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