Tuesday, April 04, 2006

what i learn about birthdays

Birthdays, the day to which you are bore from you mother's womb in intensive labour and pain. A recognition of one's progressive age (whether we like it or not). An evolving and changing concept from birthday parties to just plain sitting and reminiscing on the years God has given us. I think that third personal definition characterizes what this year's birthday is like. This year, I'm learning how to be at peace with how quiet and simple birthdays are growing up in university.

Here's my rendition of the "Birthday Evolution".

1st day - 4 yrs of age : The "Doting" Stage
These years are characterized by what the parents think of as "musts" for birthday rituals. There are the birthday parties or family celebrations with many friends and family to which you have no knowledge of. As well, there are a multitude of birthday cards, adorable pictures and presents that end up somewhere in the confines of the basement or in scrapbooks (that still exist to this day).

5 yrs of age- 11 yrs of age: The "Themed" Stage
During the formative years of childhood is when for some (at 5 ) or for others (a little bit past five) the nagging and begging of birthday parties are the most prominent. We ask for Chuckie Cheese Parties, for Princess Parties, or for the *gasp* Disney-themed parties (because of course, Disney was at it's HEIGHT in our decade). We give our parents our wishlists for presents, and our lists of schoolmates that we want to include. Our birthdays are spent opening presents, wearing ridiculous dresses and costumes, loot bag giving, and hurting our parents' wallets as they obligingly run the birthday parties and watch us smile.... and oh, how can we forget, the *blackmail* pictures that show missing teeth in our big smiles =)

12 yrs of age - 15 yrs of age : The "Awkward" stage
Instead of the large roster of invitees at parties mixed with both guys and girls, it is at this period of time when the sleepovers become the most popular birthday celebrations of choice. The number of people at these functions become greatly reduced, and so does the involvement and presence of the parental advising. For girls, the choice of gifts are very GIRLY (including arts and crafts kits, make-up, manicure-esque type of activities). For guys, this becomes the "I'm still doing the birthday parties run by my parents " type -o -thing.... sorry guys, but that's the truth.

16 yrs of age - 18 yrs of age: The "Adult Wanabee" stage:
Most teenagers at this age get their driver's license and/ or attempt their first relationships. Because of these new "responsibilities", they feel that it allows for other perceived "adult" activities on birthdays, such as house parties, excessive alcohol-drinking, and clubbing. The misconceptions is that in fact, they are embodying what "adults" do in University rather than the adults in the working world.

19 yrs of age +
From now until possibly your 30's , you realize how funny those birthday parties were. Birthday presents aren't so important either. What you once thought as taboo for birthday gifts (when young), such as clothing, scarves, food, and flowers now seem to be highly acceptable ones. At this point, you realize who the true friends are, and can also sometimes be surprised by the random birthday wish from friends long ago (or whom you don't communicate with on a daily basis). You learn to accept that not everyone remembers your birthday, and that it is okay to spend birthdays just chilling and relaxing if not with friends, then with yourself. It is at this point that you realize how gracious God is for providing so many years of livelihood =)

This is what I continually learn from birthdays. I've never been the most popular, or the most celebrated. Yet I know that in the end, I have parents who love me, friends that care, and most importantly, a God that has kept me alive thus far in my 22 years .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"bonne fete a toi,
bonne fete a toi,
bonne fete a funceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
bonne fete a toiiiiiiiii"

God bless you with another great year!

4:13 PM  
Blogger triShi said...

hehehe so true - happy birthday funcesss! i was going to call you but i realized i don't have your number! my roommate (hanae) is going to Queens tmr! so jealous..anyway i've been spending the last few birthdays alone. and while its kind of lonely b/c literally no one is here. its nice too! i spend the last bday on the rooftop of my friends' apartment and just stared into the city. it was beautiful. one of the best bdays even though the 2 guys didn't know it was my bday!

6:42 PM  

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